Since we cannot host the client on a web server because of the number of people that need to
download it. We have found a smart way to do it. You need to download BitTorrent, what it does is,
while you are getting the file from the server, you are also hosting it while downloading it, so people
can get what u downloaded so far from you, it's kinda like a p2p aplication. Don't worry it will not
affect your computer in any way.
Here's what you do.
- Go download BitTorrent from here :
or, get one of the other BitTorrent clients such as Azureus or BitTornado
- After you downloaded it, install it, it should not take long.
- Once you have it installed. Click on this link:
RAG_SETUP0425.exe (BT Link)
and SAK_SETUP0425.exe (BT Link)
- SakuraHeaven Client
Full (53.40MB)
Mini (18.59MB)
The full client has an intro movie and skins.
The mini client does not.
to have BitTorrent installed before clicking on BT Links link, it's not like you can get it without
sharing it, that is a shortcut that the program can read and has the server info for the download.
If you need help installing the programs, please read our setup guide.